Create A New Campaign

This guide explains how to create a web3 affiliate campaign for your own brand. Follow the steps (and included examples) below:

Step 1 - Open The Campaign Creation Flow

Navigate to our dApp and, in the Brand section of the portal, click the "Create Campaign" CTA/button.

Step 2 - Provide Basic Information

Provide information about your brand including its name, a description, logo and the initial amount you wish to fund your campaign with.

Step 3 - Describe Campaign Rule(s)

Add rules to your campaign; the data you provide for each rule is divided into three sections:

  • Data Source -> this is where the rule data will be sourced from (e.g. contract events, subgraph or API)

    • Note: If using the "Contract Event" data source type, you must provide the associated contract's address, which chain/network it is deployed to, and the ABI (a partial ABI containing only the desired events will also be sufficient here)

  • Criteria -> this is the criteria for the rule itself (i.e. is the criteria of the rule that must be met before the reward is issued)

    • The simplest example is where an event simply needs to have occurred, regardless of the transaction's specifics. E.g. Your brand has a DEX and you want to reward each swap that happens, regardless of its size.

  • Payout -> this is the reward payout for meeting the criteria.

    • Note: This Payout is divided between the affiliate and the referee (at a 75%/25% ratio)

Step 4 - Provide Details For Affiliates & Referees

Add specific details for affiliates & referees to attract them to the campaign:

  • For Affiliates -> You can provide a basic description & payout information to attract potential affiliates to generate their own referral code for your campaign

  • For Referees -> You can provide a basic description & payout information to attract potential referees to register with the campaign & execute the associated rewardable actions

Step 5 - Execute Campaign Creation

Click the "Create" CTA/button to execute the creation flow:

  • If you haven't already, this will first ask for the approval transaction to transfer the initial funds you configured for the campaign

  • Then, the campaign creation transaction will be served

  • Upon confirmation & completion, the application will transfer you to the "Manage Campaigns" page where you can see/interact with your newly created campaign

Step 6 (bonus) - View Your Campaign

The "Manage Campaigns" page includes a copy CTA/button for each of your campaigns. Copy this & paste it into a new browser tab to see what your campaign looks like from the perspective of an affiliate.

  • You can then share this link within your community (e.g. discord, telegram, etc.) to bootstrap your campaign

🚀 Congratulations! You've now set up your first campaign! 🚀

Last updated